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What Is Your Score Telling You About Your Business?

Published 11 October, 2020
Leah Pottinger
Written by Leah Pottinger

As a business grows, the foundational operations must also grow with it. Not having efficient and evolving processes and systems will threaten the long-term profitability and overall sustainability of your business. We have created an assessment that will help your team better understand what is missing in your business structure and how we can help you to improve it.

Let’s talk Systems and Processes

Now, this is a topic we’re passionate about!


The business world is evolving and adapting to the digital landscape, especially as we navigate these unprecedented times. Our new work norm is quickly becoming video conferencing and remote virtual logins for employees. This means that systems and processes need to be in place to support your organization, no matter where your employees are working from.


The Ditto team has experienced first-hand the transformation an organization can experience by implementing specific processes that support the unique offering of that business. Updated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) ensure your company is on track and consistent, even during unknown times.


Project Management Systems ensure that work reaches the right people, at the right time, so projects meet company deadlines. This means work is not missed or duplicated. Two things that happen far more often than is acceptable for any business.


With easily digestible information always at our figure tips, it only makes sense that your organization’s documents should be as simple to understand as possible for your employees. This is why Process Documentation is an important system in any business. We take a more in-depth look at these processes in our How to Start Improving Systems article.


However, do not take our word for it; let us show you how your business can improve by taking our Operational Efficiency Assessment!


Why the assessment is important

Our operational efficiency assessment is designed to evaluate the integrity of your current business infrastructure. We will score you on four critical infrastructure components that contribute to the success of your business. These components will break down the processes and systems your business currently has, so we can implement what you need, or help develop what already exists. This means efficient operations for your company, which will improve your bottom line.


The four components that make up your overall score:

  • Systems & Processes
  • Team
  • Leadership
  • Technology


At the end of your assessment, we’ll provide a detailed one-page report with valuable operational insights into your organization’s current state. This report will provide you with actionable intel for process improvement within your organization.


The Ditto assessment only takes ten minutes of your time to complete and will provide you with information for how your business can improve. If you have not already done an online assessment, we strongly encourage you to!


What are your scores telling you?

FOR 0-50

This is not a drill!


Alright, let’s be honest, this is not good. We have identified some major gaps in your organization’s infrastructure, and they require your immediate attention. It should not come as a surprise to hear that your company is not operating at an efficient level and if left alone, bigger issues will start to emerge.


So, let’s break this down a little. What motivates employees to do their best work for you? Money is an obvious one, but beyond that, people want to do meaningful work and receive recognition for that work. When companies have processes and systems in place, the focus turns from: “how do I do my work,” to “how can we collaborate to enhance the value of our work and complete our projects.”


Everyone wants to work for an organization that allows them to be innovative and encourages them to succeed. However, the opposite is also true. If employees can not focus on their jobs because they are spending too much time trying to figure out how to do their work, it leads to unhappy people, high turnover, and difficulty recruiting the talent you need.


Other ways this will affect your business:

  • Wasted time and wasted money
  • Confusing and inconsistent procedures
  • Inconsistent and duplicated work


The leadership team of your business needs to make this a top priority and commit to seeking professional assistance in the implementation of systems and processes. These create the foundation for your company and contribute to the long-term profitability and overall sustainability of the business.

FOR 51-79

There is hope!


This is a clear indicator that your business is on the right track, but some direction would benefit your operations. Likely, your organization is still plagued by many of the challenges faced by a growing business.


As your business grows, your processes and systems need to grow with them. As you might guess, if your business is set up to support a small team, but your business has grown past that, it’s a guarantee that processes are going to be missed. This can mean a lack of clarity for your team, missed or duplicated work; to name a few.


Other key operational systems that need to develop with your business:

  • Onboarding Process
  • Team Communication
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • Project Management Systems


Your company’s infrastructure problems are solvable as long as the leadership team commits to taking the necessary steps for improvement. This means making the best operational practices a reality within the organization. Optimizing operational efficiency will require you to seek and adopt solutions tailored specifically to your organization's needs.


FOR 80-89

Great job!


Good news, your agency’s infrastructure is healthy, your leadership team has clearly committed to operational efficiency – and it shows!


As you already know, managing a mature, growing organization requires continual process refinement, so the work is never done. Sometimes the fine-tuning of the systems and processes of a business can fall through the cracks. If left unrecognized, these cracks can lead to bigger issues for your organization.


Our team can help by having one of our accredited process improvement specialists perform a deep dive into your systems. Having a second pair of eyes evaluating the operations of your company can lead to tips and solutions you have not yet considered.


Some areas that require constant updating:

  • Workflow Systems
  • Organizational Documentation
  • Company Policy Compliance
  • Team Resources


Subtle adjustments will have a significant impact on your procedures, which means an increase in your company’s efficiency leading to an increase in profitability.


FOR 90-100

WOW, superstar!


It takes a lot to impress us, but your agency’s infrastructure is exemplary. Kudos to your leadership team for creating an organization that represents the gold standard for operational efficiency!


However, we all know that there is always room for improvement. As fellow operational gurus, one of Ditto’s founders would love to engage in conversation to see if we can add value to each other's business and share best practices. Who knows what you might discover that could enhance your business that much more!


As we like to say; iron sharpens iron.


Think outside the box


It is very important to remember that one size does not fit all. Any solution should be carefully evaluated before you implement process improvement within your organization. To truly understand the unique challenges facing your organization we highly encourage you to schedule a FREE consultation with one of our operational gurus to get the full story on the current state of your business and potential paths to profitably. We look forward to hearing from you!


systems assessment CTA

Source Notes

What's the ROI of a Work Management Platform?

Asana, A global study. 

The Top 9 Things That Ultimately Motivate Employees to Achieve