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Total Team Alignment: Why Your Company Needs It

Written by Leah Pottinger | Oct 25, 2020 8:41:15 PM

There are many ways to align your organizational team that will help your company to reach its objectives. Ensuring the connectivity of your employees means that lines of communication are open. Workers can collaborate on projects and the leadership team can track the progress of significant work. This allows them to make important strategic decisions that better the business.


Organizational Structure

How is your business structured?


Constructing a diagram will represent your company’s specific organizational structure. It maps out what tasks employees are responsible for, the reporting process, and identifies supervisors. An organizational map takes a complex business structure and simplifies it, so all levels of the company can use it as a guide.


Having a defined organizational structure means that work can flow efficiently through the levels of the company, as needed. There is a clear hierarchy that indicates roles and responsibilities to ensure operations run smoothly.


There are different types of organizational structures, so finding the one that best suits your company is key. Every business is unique, and the structure should promote the organization’s goals.


A key benefit of having a well-defined organizational structure is spreading out and sharing tasks across a team. Hiring your desired talent is only half of the process, retaining that talent is necessary to have a healthy organization. Task distribution means that key people are not doing the brunt of the work. It also means you are not having to pick up the pieces of your employee’s encumbered workload.


Other benefits of an organizational structure:

  • Team coordination
  • Encourage employee advancement
  • Defined chain of command
  • Increased functionality


Shared Company Resources

Power is gained by sharing knowledge, not hoarding it.


By using shared company resources, the leadership team can create approved and easily accessible assets for their employees. This includes hard resources, such as data and capital, and soft resources, such as a commitment to innovation.


Peer to peer resource exchange encourages employees to work together as a team to find solutions and complete projects. Providing employees with the back up they need to complete tasks offers clarity on the purpose of their work and overall goals as a team.


Another benefit of resource sharing is that it promotes transparency within the company, resulting in employees feeling like insiders in your business. Feelings of inclusion helps to enhance the organizational culture in a business. A clear understanding of how an employee’s specific job will impact the business will motivate them to do their work well and be a part of the team that helps the company thrive.


This also leads to a decrease in the amount of time spent on information searching. Instead of turning to outside data, employees can look at the shared company resources to find what they need.


Shared resources are another way to make sure that your business is getting timely, correct data. As the market shifts and industries change, it is important to operate with accurate data. Approved and relevant information for your employees, equates to correct operations that benefit your stakeholders.



Digital Work Environment

The new way of doing business.


The digital work environment is the modern-day version of a traditional workplace but includes a wide range of additional benefits. It is important to find the right work management system that works for your organization. If done right, it will securely connect all your teams from across the company with their respective work and corresponding resources.


By connecting the different levels of a business through a virtual workplace, it opens up the door for a dynamic collaboration space. We all understand that life happens, so when employees do not have to be in the same space to work, it becomes easier to continue with important projects from many different locations. The geographic location of each individual employee should not hinder your company’s operations.


Leveraging the digital work environment is an opportunity to lower operating costs that accompany the running of an office. By focusing on building a workplace management system that is ideal for your company, some business expenses can be removed or modified to run more efficiently. For example: if half of your staff do their work from a remote location, you can reduce your costs by downsizing your office space.


Advantages of a digital workplace:

  • Tailored role-based services
  • Work from anywhere
  • Efficient technology empowers employees


Company Policies & Procedures

This is a two-way protection of interest.


Company policies and procedures establish the rules and proper conduct of an organization. They exist for the protection of both employees and employers.


This should never be a guessing game! By having a clear and concise understanding of their responsibilities, workers can successfully complete their tasks. This will lead to employees meeting and exceeding the company’s expectation of them.


If a question is raised about the correct practice an employee should follow, the documents that will inform them on the best way to proceed should be easy to access. An organization is then able to support the employee to make the best choice, given the specific situation and following the company’s policies and procedures.


Other ways company policies and procedures protect employees:

  • Protects the rights of the worker
  • Supports the HR department
  • Provides workplace safety
  • Equal opportunity for all staff


Company policies and procedures also protect the business interests of employers. These rules guide employees to conduct business in a way that promotes the business. Policies and procedures act as a safeguard against possible legal issues.


Other ways company policies and procedures protect employers:

  • Describes the consequences if not followed
  • Emergency procedures are outlined to protect the business and its assets
  • Gives stakeholders a clear understanding of the company’s position
  • Employees sign-off on the policies


It is important to recognize the importance of team alignment. It can be accomplished by having a clearly defined and easy to understand organizational structure and through resource sharing. Also, by creating an efficient, company-specific digital workplace and easy to follow business policies and procedures. The Ditto team are experts in work management systems. We want to delve into the unique offering of your business, so we can come up with solutions to enhance it. The development process ensures that your company’s identity is evident in each step of your operations. Are you interested to see how Ditto can help your company? We want to hear from you!



Source Notes

What's the ROI of a Work Management Platform?

Asana, A global study. 

9 Types of Organizational Structure Every Company Should Consider 

Teamwork in the Workplace: Shared Resources