A digital transformation of a company’s work management system will lead to many opportunities for improvement and growth. Streamlining organizational processes will identify gaps in your business that have been missed in the past.
There are many benefits to implementing technology throughout your company. Technology is always at our finger tips through our smart devices, so it makes sense to use these digital tools to enhance your company’s procedures.
Intra-whaaaat? Intranet!
An intranet is a beneficial tool of a work management platform. A secure internal communication network designed for teams to communicate and collaborate.
Teams can be situated anywhere. Whether it is a global company or half your coworkers work remotely, everyone needs to be able to connect to be successful in their roles. With one centralized communication system, important messages are not lost among many forms of communication channels. No matter where your teams are working from, they can communicate effectively.
A major resource being wasted is when your people do not know what work they should be focusing on. This can be especially true for the junior roles, who require more guidance than the senior staff in your company. Enhanced communication means better mentorship within your business. This then leads to employee growth and support.
No one wants to sit around waiting for direction so they can do their work. A clearly defined communication channel will make this easier for all levels of the organization. Delegating work can take time, but it pays off in the long run. By providing clear directives, your team can flourish, leaving you to focus on high-level work that will improve your business.
Other ways an organizational intranet is beneficial:
The heart of your company’s work management platform
Many aspects make up a centralized organizational hub and each should be tailored to the specific needs of your business. The resource hub is the internal wiki which can be used by your staff. It is the single source of truth for all teams in a business to turn to when they need information.
Information sharing will increase business efficiency and performance. Why hinder your team by not providing them with the easy-to-access information that they require to do their jobs well? A centralized organizational hub creates a space to encourage all levels of a business to share applicable information for different departments.
When departments hoard information from other aspects of the company, no one wins. The leadership team needs to lead by example by creating a platform the fosters the sharing of resources for all teams that require it.
If done right, a centralized organizational hub will allow the experts in the company to share their knowledge. It will also lead to all the departments working together toward aligned company goals. Another benefit will be a decrease in the amount of time employees waste on information searching.
A win-win-win!
Other important documents that can be accessed:
Leave nothing to chance!
Businesses are meant to expand and grow. By creating an operations handbook, the complexity of the company is kept under control. Why should employees have to memorize this information? By providing an easy to access, digital guide, employees can review what they need, when they need it.
A benefit of a handbook is that jobs are clearly defined. Responsibility allotment is also recorded, dependent on the hierarchy within the company. This then makes it easy to assign tasks to different departments, depending on the job descriptions. Which in turn encourages accountability of your staff. With a clearly stated job description and associated task, the employee can focus on skilled work making job uncertainty is a problem of the past!
Operation handbooks outline emergency procedures should an issue arise. Putting out metaphorical "fires" in a company should be a fast and efficient operation to decrease the chance of permanent damage.
If you are away, your business is still able to run by the organizational standards you set. By taking the time to create detailed operations handbooks, your company will have a clear understanding of what is expected. It allows your business to operate without constant supervision.
Easy to consume data!
Executive dashboards are tools that report on an organization’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), metrics, and data. These dashboards use a visual format that makes the numbers easy to access, and easy to understand. Dashboards provide a quick overview of important data for the leadership team to track progress on projects.
The hassle of having to go to different departments to get the numbers you need for high-level analysis is an unnecessary burden. Having to then take those numbers and cohesively arrange them is a waste of your valuable time. Leadership dashboards pull data from the respective department and showcase the numbers all in one place.
Complex data is converted into easy to digest, bite-size information points. This can then be used to make informed decisions about your business and actionable next steps. Beyond that, depending on the needs of your business, dashboards are broken down into specific departments.
Different types of Leadership dashboards:
There are many benefits to implementing useful technology into your company. Creating a work management platform would provide access to tools that will enhance communication for your employees. A centralized organizational hub encourages information sharing and creating operations handbooks provides your workplace with clear objectives and defined roles. Leadership dashboards calculate the information from each department and present it in an easy to digest format. The Ditto team can help to digitally transform your company. We want to delve into the unique offering of your business, so we can create solutions to enhance it. The development process ensures that your company’s identity is evident in each step of your operations. Are you interested to see how Ditto can help your company? We want to hear from you!
What's the ROI of a Work Management Platform?
Asana, A global study.
5 Tools for Information Sharing in the Workplace