How will we communicate during our project?

Communication is key to the success of our project. Here are the best ways to keep the lines of communication open:

  • Submit a Support Ticket
  • Message us in Slack
  • Send us an email

How to use these communication channels

💡 If you need help, the best thing to do it submit a ticket.

1. When to submit a ticket

For all troubleshooting and requests, please submit a support ticket before using any other mode of communication.

  • Examples of when you should submit a support ticket:
    • IT support request (e.g., troubleshooting Asana).
    • Project feedback or questions.
    • New ideas or suggestions on the current project.

2. When to use Slack

For group communication, alignment, and ongoing project talk. Used as an alternative to email. Only used if you have a Slack Pro account and use Slack Connect.

  • Examples of when to use Slack:
    • Responses to support request tickets that don't require a meeting.
    • Meeting reminders, summaries, and action items.
    • Follow ups and sharing project resources.
    • Client Success Manager communications.

3. When to use email

Email can be used instead of Slack or after submitting a ticket to follow. If you haven't received a confirmation within 24 hours, please email your Project Manager.

  • Examples of when to use email:
    • Bi-Weekly status updates. Your Project Manager will send these.
    • Responses to support request tickets that don't require a meeting.
    • External communications with technology vendors.
    • Client Success Manager communications.