How to submit the Workflow Definitions form?

Workflow Definitions Form Submission Guidelines

For an effective collaboration, we need to understand your team's critical workflows. The Workflow Definitions Form aids in identifying roles, responsibilities, and processes, thereby aiding in setting up meetings. Here's how to go about it:

Understanding Processes and Workflows:

  1. Process: A process is a sequence of related tasks that together achieve a specific outcome. In the example below, the "Client Journey" is a process. It's the path your client takes when they engage with your service..
  2. Workflow: A workflow is a portion of a larger process. It tells you who does what, when, and how. For example, in the "Client Onboarding" process, workflows might include detailed steps like "salesperson sends welcome email on day one and "client success manager sets up project".

Example: Consider an Email Marketing Agency's "Client Journey" as a process. Within it, the "Client Onboarding" can be a workflow consisting of a series of specific tasks.

How to Submit Your Workflows:

  1. Identify and organize your processes. Think about the high-level steps that are involved in a specific process and organize them based on the stage of the process they belong to.
  2. Record your workflows using Loom. Go to, then set up your screen to display the process you want to record.
  3. Describe each of your workflows. As you start recording, walk through each step of your process's workflow. Clearly describe what is happening at each stage, when it's happening, who is responsible for that task, what the expected output or outcome is, and what tools are used (as shown in the example above). If there are any special conditions or exceptions in the process, be sure to mention those as well.
  4. Submit the recordings of your processes. After successfully creating your recordings, it's time to share them. Fill out the "Workflow Definition Form" for each workflow and link your Loom video. This form is also where you'll provide some additional insights, such as your team or department's name, the title of the process or workflow you're submitting, a brief description of the workflow, and any supportive documents that offer further context.

Note: Depending on the depth and breadth of the workflows, we might discuss the scope of your engagement based on the submissions.

For further details on defining your processes and workflows, refer to this Guide Document. Still need assistance? Don't worry if some terms are unfamiliar or if you're uncertain about specific details. At Cirface, we specialize in workflows and are always here to help you.