How do I give you access to my Asana?

Before we can get started, we will need Admin access to your Asana. It’s important to note that Guests cannot be Admins. Please make sure you have given us access through a domain that belongs to your organization.

How to add us to your Asana

  1. Create a new email that looks something like
  2. Invite this new email to Asana and share the login credentials with us
  3. Once we’ve logged in, you’ll need to change our member access to **Admin.**
  4. Saves changes and you’re done!

Why do you need access to my Asana?

💡 Guests cannot be Admins. Please make sure you have given us access through a domain for your organization.

In order to have edit access to the different features and spaces of your company Asana, we will need Admin access.

Without this level of access, we may not be able to access certain features or take certain actions during an implementation.

Here’s what it looks like

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