Asana Training [Executive Visibility]

Executive Visibility Asana Training

This training is designed for business leaders and executives that although are not involved in the day-to-day, still require a certain level of visibility into the work that their teams are executing.

In this 60-min training workshop you will learn:

  1. Gaining insights through universal reporting.
  2. Align teams and increase impact with Goals in Asana.
  3. Gain visibility into your team’s workload & capacity.
  4. Managing your programs and portfolios in Asana.

🖥 Workshop 301 - 60 minutes

1. Strategic Planning & Goal Setting

  • Keeping your team aligned with Goals & OKRs
    • Create subgoals and get real-time visibility into progress [Demo]
  • Goal monitoring and goal status updates
  • Link supporting work directly to your goals

2. Visualizing your Team’s Workload and Capacity

  • Track multiple initiatives with portfolios and nest portfolios
  • Manage team bandwidth with workload [Demo]
    • Setting your team’s effort
    • Preparing your project metrics to report
  • Identify best practices to ensure clean and meaningful data is being shared

3. Monitoring KPIs and Metrics in Asana

  • Visualize project progress with dashboards
  • Gain org-wide insights with universal reporting [Demo]
  • Identify the right data for impactful reporting

Asana Executive Visibility Training Resources