All Systems Go

Ditto<>Leverage Acquisition

Written by Marquis Murray | Dec 21, 2022 3:44:56 PM

It’s with great excitement that I share with you major Ditto news.

After many conversations and careful consideration, Ditto has been acquired by a company called Leverage. Leverage is a recognized growth consultancy agency that offers operational efficiency services and strategic marketing expertise to help companies optimize revenue and performance. The company was featured in several reputable outlets such as Forbes, Entrepreneur and Fast Company, and boasts an unrivalled portfolio of distinguished organizations.

Ditto has been a labour of love and has allowed me to fulfill my vision of helping businesses of all sizes optimize their processes and eliminate team burnout. As you can imagine, this was not an easy decision. However, I recognize that it’s one that will help propel my vision forward, allowing me to focus on all the aspects of optimization, efficiency, and process improvement that are dear to my heart.

The official closing day will be December 31st, 2022. As of January 1, 2023, the company will amalgamate with Leverage and no longer be known as Ditto. I will be staying on as a Partner with Leverage as the VP of Efficiency, Consulting, focusing my attention on a lot of the same things I do now, helping companies improve how they work and become more efficient in the process. In the meantime, the Ditto team will be focusing all their effort on ensuring that all project handovers are handled with the utmost care. I will see to it personally that all parties are up to speed on their project status before we change hands.

I’m very excited about this next stage in our journey. Leverage are leaders in education around Asana, Business efficiency (HubSpot, Process Street, Sharepoint, Teams, Slack, and more), and InboxZero (Gmail and Outlook), which will enable us to capitalize on the areas that both teams are strong in so that we can help more companies optimize their work.

Finally, I would be remiss if I did not pay tribute to our amazing clients. Ditto would not have become the company it is today without their trust, loyalty and willingness to take our recommendations with stride. We were able to accomplish great successes and grow with each project, and for that, we’re forever grateful.

Here’s to an exciting new adventure.

🚀 #tothemoon