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Change Management: The Importance of Planning &  Communication

Written by Marquis Murray | Feb 14, 2022 2:38:13 PM

Introducing change into an organization can be a daunting task. It's important to have a process in place for managing changes so that everyone is on the same page and knows what is expected of them. In this blog post, I'll discuss the importance of change management in organizations, and outline some tips for ensuring a successful rollout.

When introducing a new process or technology into an organization, it's crucial to plan the rollout carefully. You need to make sure that everyone affected by the change knows about it and understands what is expected of them. Communication is key during a rollout - you want to ensure that there are no surprises for anyone involved.

What is change management?

Change in an organization is referred to as organizational change. Organizational changes include altering a major aspect of a company's or business's structure, such as its culture, the technology or infrastructure it uses to operate, or internal procedures.

Organizational change management entails three phases, each of which is crucial for a successful outcome: preparation, implementation, and follow-through.

The tools and methods used to implement change are as varied as the situations in which they will be applied. There are numerous reasons why organizational change is required. Some of the most prevalent challenges faced by managers include:

  • The company's new leadership or management is taking charge.
  • Changes in the organizational team structure
  • The use of new technology implementation
  • New business models are more frequently adopted.

Types of organizational change management

Organizational change is a big topic. Some transformation is huge, such as a firm's shift in direction. Other shifts are more subtle, focusing on a single area of a business instead of the whole organization.

Change may be viewed as a spectrum. Adaptive change, for example, refers to small modifications. Transformational change, on the other hand, involves significant change.

Adaptive changes are small, continuous improvements that organizations make to meet changing demands. These changes are often tiny modifications and alterations that bosses fine-tune and put into practice to implement business strategies. Processes may be added, removed, or modified during the process.

One example of an adaptive change is an organization that upgrades its computer operating systems from one OS to another.

Transformational changes, on the other hand, are more substantial and far-reaching than adaptive changes. They frequently necessitate a simultaneous transformation in mission and strategy, company or team structure, people and organizational performance, or business processes. Because of their size, these changes generally take a long time to implement. In many situations, major change is required.

The usage of a customer relationship management system (CRM) as an example of a transformational change is one that all departments must learn and use.

Adaptive and transformational are the extremes of a range of changes. Because this is the case, CEOs must be sensitive to each situation's particular problems and demands when devising a change strategy.

What to consider

There are many factors to consider when planning a change management initiative. One of the most important is identifying who will be responsible for each step of the process. This includes developing and implementing the new process, as well as training employees on how to use it. It's also important to designate someone to monitor the rollout and make sure that everything is going according to plan.

This person should have a good understanding of the organization's culture and values, as this will help them identify any problems with implementation.

Another factor to consider is what type of change management initiative you want to implement. There are different approaches, such as top-down or bottom-up models. A top-down model allows employees at all levels of the organization to provide feedback, while a bottom-up model gives employees more control over the changes that are made.

How change affects culture in the organization

The best approach for your organization will depend on its culture and values. It's important to tailor the change management process to fit your specific needs.

Implementing change can be a challenging process, but with careful planning and communication, it can be successful.

Process change management is an ongoing process that requires constant communication between all parties involved in order to be effective. Process change managers should always keep in mind the importance of planning and communicating with their teams about changes, as well as identifying any potential issues before they arise so they are able to address them quickly and efficiently.

Effectively communicating change

The next step in the process is to determine how you will communicate with those who need to know about it! This may include both internal and external communication channels, depending on your needs. You may also have different types of people involved: managers, employees, customers, or partners. It's important that everyone affected by this change understands what's happening, and why it's happening.

Internal communication is critical for change management, as it allows employees to provide feedback and ask questions. This can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands what is expected of them. It's also important to communicate with customers and partners about changes, so they are aware of any potential impacts they may experience.

A Manager's role in organizational change

Every employee in an organization has a distinct role in assisting with change. While many employees may do detailed work, senior-level executives with longer tenures may have different objectives. Even within management, leaders and managers execute various functions. Change is their business and they are focused on achieving specific objectives; whereas, leaders have a more holistic perspective that includes the people side of change.

Senior executives are change sponsors and should provide the resources needed to ensure successful change. They also need to make sure that everyone understands the vision for change, establish clear expectations, remove roadblocks, and track progress. Leaders are responsible for creating a sense of urgency around change, getting people on board with the change initiative, and maintaining momentum. They also need to be change coaches and help employees understand and accept the change.

Rolling out the change

Once the plan is in place, it's time to get started! The rollout should be implemented in stages so that you can track its progress and make adjustments as needed. It's important to keep everyone up-to-date on what's going on and to solicit feedback from those who are involved in the process. Process improvement is essential for any business looking to grow and succeed!

It's not enough to just get things up and running after you've completed a transition. You must evaluate outcomes, collect data, educate your team on new processes and business procedures, and readjust goals as necessary throughout and after the process.


The last step is making sure that everything runs smoothly from here on out. Process management isn't something you can do once and forget about - it's an ongoing process of continual evaluation and improvement, so don't be afraid to revisit your strategy if necessary.

Here's a quick summary of how to implement changes into an organization:

  • Establish a process for managing change
  • Determine who will be responsible for each step
  • Plan and execute the rollout
  • Monitor progress and make adjustments as needed
  • Communicate with all stakeholders

Rolling out a new process within your business and not sure what to start? Let's talk!