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Breaking the Digital Divide: Our Process

Written by Leah Pottinger | Nov 8, 2020 11:45:29 PM

We've created a five-step process to help you break the digital divide.


What the heck does that mean?!


A digital divide is that gap we find among teams that are not communicating, where information searching is high, and employees are frustrated with their jobs. All of these things lead to bad business practices and high turnover rates.


By breaking the digital divide, we are implementing systems that make it easy to communicate within an organization. This leads to increased collaboration and happy employees. To create and grow a successful business, you have to hire the talent you need and retain those people. A digital framework will connect your teams and create efficient operations. By implementing a system that allows your company to run smoothly today, you are ensuring long-term profitability for the future.


Step 1: Audit

A comprehensive look at your current business infrastructure.


We want to take a deep dive into your business to see what’s working – and what’s not. An audit will give us insight into how your company currently operates and how it can improve. By evaluating existing processes and company documentation, we begin to plan how we might design a digital system. This will increase operational efficiency that will help improve your company’s bottom line.


Other things we’ll take a look at:

  • Your existing systems
  • Standard operating procedures
  • Risk mitigation
  • The software your currently using


We need to discover what specific processes your business is missing. By creating new procedures or improving upon what already exists, we will enhance your company’s specific operations.


Step 2: Design

Designing the ideal system for your company.


What makes your business different from your competitors? We understand that every company has a competitive advantage and we want to create a digital framework that enhances that unique offering.


Once we design a system for you, your business will have access to the best software. When operations run seamlessly, the important, game-changing work can be focused on. This will not only affect your company growth but also improve the culture within your organization.


Other ways a company-specific designed software can better your business:

  • Enhanced communication
  • Increased collaboration
  • Automate manually driven processes

Step 3: Develop

Creating efficient systems for your business.


Next, using the blueprint from the design created for your specific organization, we will develop a digital platform. During the development phase, you will be working closely with our certified project management professional (PMP) staff as we develop systems to enhance your business. These will optimize your company’s operations which will lead to profitable growth for your organization.


The PMP staff wants to work with you to not only add systems to enhance your company, but also to make sure that your organization’s competitive advantage is being showcased. Now that we have identified what needs to be done in the audit and designed the best system for your business, we want to develop it in a way that works best for your company.


The different departments in your business need to work together, instead of against each other. Every department will take different paths to meet their goals, but if all their paths do not lead to the same destination then your company is wasting time. By developing a defined framework for your business, you are also aligning your team on one platform. This will increase teamwork as your employees work towards company goals.


Other benefits of a defined framework:

  • Streamline procedures
  • Resource sharing
  • Easy to access documentation
  • Task clarity



Step 4: Implement

Digitally connecting your team.


Once we have finished the development phase, our next step is the implementation of the systems into your business. This means your team will have access to a digital system that houses all your company’s processes, from anywhere! In many cases, this will be built out inside of Asana.


With the remote optionality, your operations can run smoothly no matter where your workforce is located. These processes will work hard for your business, so you and your employees can focus on the work that matters. This is the meaningful work that will lead to your organizational goals.


As a part of this step, the Ditto Team will create a dashboard to provide an at-a-glance of high-level information. This information is important to have easy access to so you can grow your business and take advantage of new opportunities. A perfectly designed digital system for your company will allow you to measure the return on investment (ROI). By evaluating your ROI, you can make informed decisions on the efficiency of your company’s investments.


Other advantages of an intuitive dashboard:

  • Report on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Quick access to company metrics and data
  • Current financial performance
  • Tracking of important projects


Step 5: Support

Change is never easy!


For change to be successful, it must be supported by the leadership team in an organization. By buying into the new digital system and acting as a role model, the rest of the company will soon follow your lead. However, this is easier said than done.


With the introduction of new systems comes a learning curve for the company. Possibly a big one! However, the implementation of these systems will lead to increased long-term growth. By focusing on the big picture, you are ensuring the profitability of your business. To get there takes work and sometimes being an advocate for the new way is not enough.


We do not stop at the implementation of the systems. We also offer monthly support plans that will make sure your business stays on track. Achieving a company’s goals is not accomplished by one person – it is a team effort. We want to continue to support you and your team so that your business can prosper. You are not alone in this!


Our team wants to help you to break the digital divide in your company. Let our experts help your company develop efficient systems through our five-step process. We will take a close look at your current operations by conducting an audit. Next, we will work closely with you to design and develop the perfect digital framework for your specific organization.


Once we implement the systems, your team will have access to the best software. However, we will not stop there! We understand that change can be difficult, so we are here to provide support and help with the learning curve. Are you interested to see how Ditto can help your company?


Take our operational efficiency assessment below to see how we can help!